CIFF47: PSQ March 22 – April 1, 2023 | Streams April 2 – April 9, 2023


Year: 1997
Country: United States
Run Time: 100 minutes

In a New York minute everything changes for a diverse set of Manhattanites who witness a black transvestite's frantic, futile attempt to flee to cops. Memories of the screaming drag queen haunt the onlookers for days afterwards, although each interprets the scene a different way. For straight-arrow doorman Malcolm it's one more degrading image he has to surmount in his long, painful climb out of the 'hood. For would-be militant John it's a call to arms against yet another racist/classist/AIDSist/homophobic atrocity. For interior decorator Tom it calls to question his own commitment to a homosexual lover and lifestyle. For Sadie, caregiver to an invalid best friend, it signals the end of their genteel Old Neighborhood. Only novice sidewalk palm-reader Justine knows the truth - or at least she'll accept your ten dollars to tell you so. With wit, daring, irony and style, the filmmaking team of Robert Roznowski and Robert Tate takes the gloves off and juggles an assortment of colors and genders, into a two-fisted comedy-drama that points fingers at urban American taboos, slaps sterotypes and punches political correctness like no feature has since Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing." For that they truly deserve a Big Hand.

Robert Roznowski, Robert Sheppard

Robert Roznowski, Robert Tate

Robert Roznowski, Robert Tate, Laurie Sheppard

Renato Falcao

Robert Tate

Principal Cast
David Beach, Laura Kenyon, Lisa Herbold, Tony Fair, Helen Gallagher, Joe Carpozzi, Roderick Leverne

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